Tag: Women in Business
Principal Stacey Walker Receives Women in Business Award
Interior Designer Suzanne Nagorka Receives Women in Business Award
Surrounded by her colleagues and fellow award recipients, Suzanne Nagorka received a Women in Business Award at the 2017 North Bay Business Journal gala on June 21st. The award was presented to Suzanne by client (and friend) Sue Maddigan, Assistant Vice President at Exchange Bank. The evening celebrated accomplished women from throughout the North Bay in a wide range of professions.
Suzanne has been a professional Interior Designer for over 40 years and owned her own business for 14 years. She joined TLCD Architecture in 2001 and has been an integral team member on many high-profile projects in Sonoma County. She was the Interior Designer on the SRJC Doyle Library, and most recently led the team for Interior Design and Art Consulting on the new American AgCredit Headquarters.
When asked by the North Bay Business Journal what advice she would give to a young woman entering her profession or the work world today, Suzanne shared:
A dog-eared copy of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day hangs above my desk. It starts with the question “Who made the world?” and ends with a message I take to heart every day: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” My advice: Never give up, and remember that what your inner critic thinks about you is none of your business!
Sound words from an amazing person and woman in business. Congratulations to Suzanne!