On Tuesday, May 1st TLCD Architecture’s DeTurk Round Barn received two prestigious design awards. At the City of Santa Rosa’s afternoon city council meeting a California Parks and Recreation Society representative presented its annual facility award to the City and TLCD Architecture. Later that same evening the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California (SEAONC) presented an Award of Merit in the Excellence in Engineering Awards program to MKM Structural Engineers.
Built in 1891 for a prized racehorse, the DeTurk Round Barn is one of only two true round barns remaining in California and is listed on both the state and federal registries of historic places. After decades of use as a city corporation yard, this unique adaptive reuse project seismically upgraded and restored the building to its new life as a Community Center. During construction the entire barn was raised on hydraulic lifts for several months to allow construction of concrete foundations and a floor slab. In order to preserve the historic integrity of the barn, all interior wood framing was left exposed; no insulation or interior finishes were added. Existing redwood posts or beams that could not be reused, were re-milled into paneling at the stairwells.
The renovated building features a stunning, circular ground floor and open mezzanine totaling more than 7,500 square feet. The space accommodates weddings, receptions, parties, meetings and other special events. A catering kitchen, restrooms, and elevator were added, along with a high-tech audio-visual system featuring multiple projectors and a curved 18–foot screen. A radiant floor slab provides heat to the un-insulated historic building, and a 24-foot diameter overhead fan provides air circulation.