David Haynes of Ideate and I will be presenting in San Francisco at the AIASF on October 19th as part of their Mentorship program. Info below:
AIASF Mentorship + Ideate “Bridging the gap while using BIM”
October 19, 2010 at 11:30am – 1 pm
AIA San Francisco, 130 Sutter Street, Suite 600 AIASF
Beyond the introduction and benefits of BIM, we will discuss how BIM users have filled in gaps that some of us may have discovered when transitioning to BIM. Panelist include, Guy Messick Director of Design Technology, TLCD Architecture and David Haynes, Director of AEC Services, Ideate. Moderated by the AIASF Mentorship committee.
Click here to RSVP: http://ideateinc.com/trng_emails/sf_ideatepresents.html
The event is sold out!