After celebrating “virtually” for almost two years, the team at TLCD was thrilled to come together in person for our annual holiday party. Making up for lost time, the planning committee provided a lovely brunch, mid-day gourmet cookie break, and ended the day with amazing appetizers and beverages!
In between working, we challenged the team to games – such as guessing the weight of a set of architectural plans. The day culminated with an awesome white elephant exchange with items you definitely do not want to “regift” next year!
A big focus of our holiday season is providing Secret Santa gifts for those in need in Sonoma County. We assembled hearts for the Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership in November and placed hearts in our office for the staff to fulfill. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of our team and thankful to be part of this program once again.
Happy Holidays from everyone at TLCD Architecture!