Well, the DeTurk Round Barn Renovation (for the City of Santa Rosa – Recreations and Parks Department) is underway. As you can see from the photos the Dog Park is nearing completion and preparations for the lifting of the Barn are under way. The Dog Park is a very important part of this project, being a very popular meeting place for local (West End Historic Neighborhood) and city wide residence. The barn is being lifted approximately 3 feet. This will provide clearance to prepare column footings and elevator pit, place underslab electrical conduit and work on a post tension concrete slab (more information and photos in a future blog). The barn will then be lowered onto a new concrete curb. Note all of the beams running through the existing window openings. The windows are being reconditioned (to maintain historic elements) and will be replaced after the lifting is complete.
Once the building is lowered the General Contractor (GCCI Inc.) will begin interior work in earnest………….Stay Tuned