Close up photo of multi-colored acrylic holiday centerpieces custom made by TLCD staff

Celebrating the Holidays

December 18, 2023

December is a special time… a chance to reflect and celebrate the past year. The TLCD team did it in style as we gathered at Seared Steakhouse in Petaluma for our annual holiday dinner. We had a joyous evening in the best of company with good food and wine flowing!

Acrylic holiday centerpieces on table at TLCD holiday party

Two women smiling at TLCD holiday party

TLCD staff sitting at long table for holiday party

Stacey Walker, principal at TLCD Architecture smiling at holiday party

Several women sitting at table smiling at camera for TLCD holiday party

3 men sitting a table and "mugging" for the camera

Two women with cocktails smiling at camera for TLCD's holiday party

Large group at table laughing at a funny joke at TLCD's holiday party

Man and woman smiling while seated at table for TLCD holiday party

Woman and two men leaning in to cheese it for the camera

Another tradition that makes this evening truly unique are the handmade holiday centerpieces that grace the table. Each year, a team comes together to design, test and fabricate centerpieces that have a light element. Our design team used various shades of laser-cut acrylic to form multi-dimensional holiday trees that cast a beautiful “glow”.

3 TLCD designers working on holiday acrylic centerpieces

View of laser cut acrylic triangles for holiday centerpiece

Acrylic holiday centerpieces that form trees with a light at the base

Holiday lanterns glowing in a dark room with man in the background

Many thanks to our talented designers pictured left to right: Em Grayho, Lisa Espinosa, Lauren Davis, Jirayut Puribhat and Mitchell Price.

5 TLCD designers holding the acrylic holiday centerpieces while wearing holiday sweaters